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"Everybody can be great because anybody can serve" MLK

Living the words of Martin Luther King

Christina recently returned from a trip to Mexico with extraordinary volunteers where they were of service at Rancho de Los Ninos, an orphanage for children. Going with trunks full of gifts, spending the day playing with children and sharing love, she came back a better person.

In Acting News-Booked it!

Christina booked the role of Detective Diane Kelso, a supporting lead, in a movie straight to offer, and in order to prepare, she hired an instructor, went to a shooting range where in walked Christina DeRosa and out walked Annie Oakley.

Between the volunteer opportunity in Mexico and her fierce new acting role, Christina is more aware of all the miracles in my life. One thing that really changed her outlook is this inspirational audio by Wendy Braun at Have a listen and let her know if it is helpful for you as it is for her.

For more information on Christina DeRosa stay connected!!!

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